It’s one book! It’s two books!! It’s a Peanigma!!!
- By : Nat
- Category : New releases, Reviews

I’ve been saying that the Andews McMeel Peanuts strip collections for kids were a pretty good deal, with paperbacks like Snoopy: Cowabunga and Charlie Brown and Friends
with list prices of about ten bucks a pop.
Then today I find this at Costco…. a book which as of now I cannot find from any other source. Peanuts: The Gang’s All Here has almost the full content of both the books I mention above, lots and lots of in-color strips, in hardcover…. for $10.49. Bargain!
It even has the (frankly weak) flip animation and the text features of the original versions. The one thing that this version is lacking? The posters of the covers that are in the back of the paperbacks.
(Costco, for those who don’t know, is a membership-based warehouse store chain. They do sell some things online, but only to members… and this book is not currently listed.)