Charlie Brown’s woman trouble

“I won’t marry Charlie Brown–never–and it’s very cruel in you to say anything about it!” interrupted Kitty, with flashing eyes, but with a great tremble in her voice. “I will never marry anybody!”

“But Katherine Forrester, Charlie Brown loves you!”

“I don’t care if he does.”

“And you love him.”

“No I don’t – I hate him!” with a burst of tears.

From “How Kitty Forrester was Tamed” by M. M. Haven, Ballou’s Dollar Monthly Magazine, volume 12, 1860.

Not That Charlie Brown
Those Other Charles Schulzes

Okay, so I search newspaper archives for unimportant things out of curiosity. And checking for pre-Sparky people named “Charles Schulz”, I found a fair amount, but the one which struck me was this obituary from 1900: It’s just the fact that this Charles Schulz had a son, Charles Schulz, who …

Not That Charlie Brown
Charlie Browns of the Cs

Digging through newspaper archives, I decided to delve into earlier Charlie Browns. These are just the ones that start with C from the 19th century: Crook (1822): Cricketeer (1860): Cairo-bound steamer (1862): Confederate prisoner (1862): Congressional candidate (1863): Concerning choice of spouse (1863): Coat borrower (1866): Captain (1867):   40 …

Not That Charlie Brown
General Charlie Brown

I posted recently about that other Charlie Brown, the one who is about to be the Chief of Staff of the US Air Force. Here he is, showing what kind of a person he is. (If you get the AAUGH Blog by email, you may need to click through to …