Peanuts comic book and DVD status
- By : Nat
- Category : Upcoming releases

For folks who care about numbering: as you’ve probably noticed, the Peanuts comic books from Kaboom started with a run of issues 0 through 4, then after a gap on the schedule restarted with volume 2, #1-4 as monthly installments. Well, they won’t be restarting for Volume 3 anytime soon. Instead, they are taking a pause on the schedule then continuing with issue 5 coming in January. The plan is to keep doing four monthly issues, then a pause, then four more monthly issues, with each group of four eventually being collected into a trade paperback. And yes, they are continuing to do alternate covers.
I have received questions from a few of you about what’s up with the DVDs, that there are fewer coming out, that they don’t seem as meaty, and hey, are we getting any follow-ups to Happiness is a Warm Blanket? The real answer is what’s been happening to the DVD market in general. Sales are way down, as people are using more streaming video services and the like to fill their video media desires. These other routes are generally not as profitable, so it makes doing new material less lucrative, and it’s harder to justify even the cost of DVD extras. (I wouldn’t be shocked if the release of the Peanuts theatrical picture in 2015 gave sufficient excuse for some sort of new push on home video… in whatever form it exists at that time.)