A Leather Valentine


Well, I try not to collect the Easton Press editions. They have a lot of sweet aspects, in all their leather bound gilt-edged gaudiness, because it just invited being charged $80 per volume. But sometimes I find a used one discounted enough that it seems more a waste of money to not buy it! And this book, A Peanuts Valentine, is one where the cover looks good in their reformatting, something that is not always true.

Joe Matt, RIP

Word is going around about the death of cartoonist Joe Matt, of heart attack at his drawing board, at age 60. Best known for hiw blunt autobiographical comic book series Peepshow, his relevance to the Peanuts world is as one of the three alt cartoonists who reworked Peanuts strips to make …

Peanuts Schultz

Alert brother-of-the-blog Dave recently pointed out that the 1946 film Our Hearts Were Growing Up (a sequel to the more-beloved 1942 Our Hearts Were Young and Gay) has William Demarest playing a character named Peanuts Schultz. A little investigation told us why the character had that name which would echo oddly to …

You don’t know how much I wish this were real.

Sick and tired of people trying to sell bootleg Peanuts books on Amazon by listing someone besides Charles M. Schulz as the author? Sure you are, and I’ve long since stopped talking about it. But now I see that someone is trying to balance matters! Yes siree, it’s a bootleg …